Today brought work on the sunrooms. Only the sunroom for House 1 got all the way assembled; there's something I've forgotten about getting the windows installed in a way that sticks to the ribs, as the resulting product is ok, but not great. It's again a multi-step process: first assemble the base, then put on the brick and trim, then assemble the floors (which had to be heightened to bring level with the kitchen floor), then assemble the ribs (very fragile) then install the windows (old computer chip bag to get the right color).

I try to keep the trim all one piece so there aren't big gaps as it goes around; I ended up using a bit of fill in one or two places (narrow strips of lumber) but am overall pretty happy with the result.

I had a few false starts with the ribs and window stuff (trying to get the geometry right for cutting the plastic so it would desired direction.
There's something I'm not remembering about attaching the ribs and glass to each other... will experiment more tomorrow.
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