Foiled (again) in the aspiration to assemble a house, I went back to finishing other things. I finished the three roofs, though when I looked at this picture, I noticed there's a cap missing from one of the valleys in House 2, so tomorrow that will be corrected.
I also worked more on finishing putting in the windows and adding window frames for House 3. That's another task that's getting old with as many as there are in this project, and it's coming along, though slowly. One more side to go (a many-window side, of course) and that job will be done. Throughout working on that, I thought warm and grateful thoughts to Susan at SDK for all the custom laser cutting. In the early days, before custom laser cutting by someone of her expertise, I basically kit-bashed standard plastic windows, for each and every window. That wasn't fun, and the results weren't nearly as nice as her fantastic window pieces, inserts for the windows themselves out of 1/64" wood and window frames out of bristol board. They are really wonderful and the fit is great. What a wonderful advance!
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