The first steps. |
In progress. |
Since I'm still musing about what to do about the paint color, and I haven't done anything yet to plan the lighting (or drilled holes in the bases for the wires), I reverted to assembling the first roof. I went with the Blenderm surgical tape, and am at least so far really happy with the results. I did add glue to the ridge lines when I added the ridge caps in part for added stability and in part because the ridge cap weren't staying attached very well.
Almost done! |
It went together really smoothly with the tape. Of course it helps that, by now, I truly understand the roof and how it goes together. Everyone else (and especially eldest daughter) in my family has a great sense of spatial and geometric thinking. Take my word, it didn't come from me. She put together the first roof, and if she hadn't, I'd probably still be struggling over it. As it is, now I get it and was able to assemble this without much stress.
TA DA! (note missing railings in front of small gable) |
I remembered (belatedly) the order of construction of the roof beneath the small gable on the front of the house. For the NEXT house, I'll do it the easier, smarter way that will probably have a better result. Live and learn.
I didn't install the railings because they're not painted yet, despite all the painting I've done. None of the railings (the majority of which are part of the porch assembly) are painted yet. They're very fragile and I didn't want to lose or damage them. When I'm ready to do the porch, I'll paint all at once. This is the completed next to the roof from the pilot house, which does have the railings in front of the gable.
From the top. Yay!! |
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